how to get an exotic pet license in arizona

how to get an exotic pet license in arizona

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How does someone obtain an exotic dancer's license in Florida? African crested Porcupine {Hystrix cristata} by Drew Avery is licensed under CC BY 2.0. New Mexico law states that the health and environment department can regulate people that own primates, skunks, raccoons, foxes, or wild carnivores that carry zoonotic diseases. The state offers many special permits. In the District of Columbia, a person shall not import into the District, possess, display, offer for sale, trade, barter, exchange, or adoption, or give as a household pet, any living member of the animal kingdom, including those born or raised in captivity, except the following: Domestic dogs (excluding hybrids with wolves, coyotes, or jackals), domestic cats, (excluding hybrids with ocelots or margays), domesticated rodents and rabbits, captive-bred species of common cage birds, including chickens, non-venomous snakes, fish, and turtles, traditionally kept in the home for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes, ferrets, and facing pigeons, when kept in compliance with permit requirements. It sucks most exotics are illegal here, I absolutely love rodents (mostly rats) i'd die happy having a gambian pouch rat companion! In Kentucky, no person may possess an inherently dangerous animal or endangered species. Indiana is one of the more lenient states when it comes to exotic animal ownership. Otherwise, a person needs a permit, which is only given for scientific or medical reasons. Some pets, such as ferrets, are allowed to wander freely in your home with supervision, while others are not. They cannot own lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, mountain lions, bears, or non-native venomous snakes. Have a look at the exotic pet ownership laws by state, that we compiled for you. Some cities in Florida require exotic dancers to get a license. The https:// means all transmitted data is encrypted in other words, any information or browsing history that you provide is transmitted securely. Owning a wild animal without a permit is a Class IV misdemeanor in Nebraska. You'll need, Brindle coats on dogs are a gorgeous attribute. Mississippi has an extensive list of what they refer to as inherently dangerous animals that can only be kept as pets with a permit. Navigating The Complex Process Of Getting An Exotic Pet License In Michigan. As long as you own 2.5 acres, you can keep many types of animals in Florida, including bears, large cats, rhinos, crocodiles and chimpanzees, and more. If an animal isn't banned or required to have a permit, it can be held as a pet. In Maricopa County, all dogs over three months of age are required by law to be licensed and vaccinated against rabies. If you were to engage in any of the regulated activities listed above . To make sure you are in the right place and have the most recent information when you are searching online, the state websites will usually end in .gov or .state, but this is not always the case. Unlike dangerous snakes, venom enters the bite site by seeping down grooves in the teeth rather than being injected by fangs. (more specifically Phoenix Arizona). As I previously mentioned, kangaroos are pretty big creatures and capable of injuring people. It's important to remember that wild animals are wild. Some Savannah cats have very low percentages of serval genetics and resemble a typical house cat with spots, while higher content animals can be similar to servals in size and appearance. Even common exotic pets, like sugar gliders, ferrets, Fennec foxes, hedgehogs, and some birds, are illegal in some states or require permits. Individuals or businesses with warm-blooded animals that are on display, perform for the public, or are used in educational presentations must be licensed as exhibitors with APHIS. You do not require permits to keep llamas, alpacas, chinchillas, guinea pigs, mink, hedgehogs and some other animals. It is against the law in New Mexico to own felines, crocodiles, wolves, alligators, and primates. Exotic animals certainly have an allure that is distinct from the usual domestic pets with whom weve all become used. Water buffalo are a domesticated bovine from Asia that are mostly used to pull heavy loads, but this is uncommon in the United States. A pet license is a piece of paper that identifies and protects your pet if it goes missing. The most popular exotic reptiles and amphibians in the Philippines, according to Emerson Sys (2015) research on exotic species in the Philippine pet trade, are aquatic frogs, turtles, and lizards. The state issues 11 types of special permits, with most applying to a very select group of individuals. Foxes are illegal in AZ.May 21, 2022 Question: is it legal to have a raccoon as a pet in AZ? Strangely enough, the Arizona ban list includes the family Erethizontidae, which are New World porcupines. Rabbits are fun, cute, and affectionate! Exotic pet owners in Michigan must go through a series of steps and permits before receiving their licenses. Maine has a long list of restrictions when it comes to keeping an exotic animal. The state offers three different permits. Some animals are clearly included in this group, like giraffes, zebras, cheetahs, mountain lions, crocodiles, alligators, rhinoceros and bears. Dangerous wild animals are what Missouri classifies large cats, wolves, coyotes, bears, venomous reptiles, and any dangerous reptile over eight feet long as. Illinois calls animals that are prohibited from being pets, dangerous animals. It is also against the law to own any hybrid created from crossing domestic and wild animals. These animals include primates, bears, canids, and felids. It seems rather silly because tenrecs, a species that is not related to hedgehogs but is very similar in appearance and size, is illegal in the state. Permits can be obtained for some wild animals if conditions are met. You can own alligators, crocodiles, alpacas, camels, chinchillas, ostriches, sugar gliders, and penguins without a permit. Indiana is one of the most lenient states when it comes to owning exotic pets. The Animal Welfare Act requires researchers to provide anesthesia or pain-relieving medication to minimize the pain or distress caused by an experiment, unless otherwise scientifically justified. There is currently no federal legislation regulating the ownership of exotic pets in the United States. See . Arizona Category: L Summary of Law: No primate may be owned as a pet unless it was lawfully possessed before the effective date of the regulations. The cost of an exotic pet license to keep an animal as a personal pet depends on your state and the classification of the animal. New York law states you are not allowed to own any wild animal and the state defines a wild animal as a non-domestic feline or canine or hybrid, bear, crocodile, venomous reptile, or primate. However, to import exotic animals there, you may need to obtain a special license. If a person is found to possess a prohibited animal, they can be fined up to $500 for each offense. It requires a permit to sell others, but you do not need a permit to keep most animals. Unless you received a permit for the animal by 2007, you cannot possess, own, or breed any dangerouswild animal. Day of shipment. Additionally, you may find local and county or parish laws are more restrictive. If a shipment is leaving outside of business hours please call our office at 602-542-4293 and leave a detailed message with the following information: Consignee and consignor information. Class I, IV and V animals are only allowed to be kept by zoos, class III animals require no permit, and class II animals are native species. Despite the states leniency, you need a Class I permit to own many others where no permit is required in other states, including many rabbits. Lizards bite using their teeth instead of their fangs. First venturing into the freelance space in 2016, Saleema has since had case reports and peer-reviewed articles published in distinguished journals like The NAVTA Journal and Todays Veterinary Nurse, as well as several articles published at various digital publications. Lizards are excellent show animals and, depending on the species, maybe handled on a, Read More What is the easiest lizard to have as a pet? License valid: The license is valid until the third December from the date of issuance. In Oregon, it is illegal to possess wild cat species that aren't native to the state, bears (except black bears), canines not native to Oregon, primates, and crocodiles. Examples of transporters include airlines and trucking companies. The prohibited animal list includes wild and large cats, bears, foxes, primates, skunks, and many other exotic animals. Florida separates different exotic animals into three Classes. You can keep almost all animals as pets in Wisconsin without a permit. They dont take up a lot of, Read More Are Reptiles a Good Pet for Kids?Continue, Each lizard is a one-of-a-kind creature with its own set of care needs. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. Bears, large felines, wolves, and primates are included in the list of restricted animals in Connecticut. It is legal to own many wildlife mammals in Illinois, except for bears, lions, tigers, leopards, ocelots, jaguars, cheetahs, margays, cougars, lynx, bobcats, jaguarundis, wolves, coyotes, and hyenas. New York residents need a permit to own wolves, wolfdogs, coyotes, coydogs, foxes, skunks, venomous reptiles, and raccoons. Kentucky is another state where it is easy to own exotic animals. Pets that are allowed however include guinea pigs, chinchillas, domesticated mice and rats, parakeets, and doves. 2. The Animal Welfare Act does not allow Animal Care to prevent the use of animals in research or experimentation, however. West Virginia bans the ownership of dangerous animals. Licensed exhibitors include circuses, zoos, educational displays, petting farms/zoos, animal acts, wildlife parks, marine mammal parks, and some sanctuaries. Animals are categorized into classes. A good rule of thumb is if it's not a cat, domestic dog, horse, fish or commonly available bird such as a parakeet or canary, consider it an exotic animal. Apply to your local council for a licence to keep a wild animal. The list of mammals legal to import into the islands consists of guinea pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, mice, and rats. If the animal is a crossbreed that looks like its wild relative, they are also banned. Different sexes must be kept in separate cages. You can own many types of wildlife in Mississippi, but you will have to buy a permit from the state and meet very stringent requirements. certain pigs, eg wild boar. Then be sure to speak with exotic wildlife specialists and veterinarians. Choosing a rabbit breed is a very personal decision. Before taking on an exotic pet, make sure that it is legal and that the animal will do well in its new environment. The Colorado Wildlife Act does not allow you to keep most exotic animals as pets. An official website of the United States government The .gov means its official. It might also be helpful to consider some reasons why a sugar glider might not make the greatest pet. Primates are not allowed as pets unless they were in possession before 2011 and already registered with the state. Visit to license your dog. While Arizona has a fairly restrictive no-go list for exotic animal ownership, there are still a decent number of exotics you can keep in the state. If you have similar intentions in the future, make sure to discuss them with the DENR office as well. Vermont has nine classes of wildlife and exotic pet ownership permits and licenses. Exotic Animal License Cost. 6 Steps to Choosing the Right Dogfor You. When not working with her own animals and tending her farm, Krishna is helping other animal owners with behavior or management issues and teaching neighboring farmers about Regenerative Agriculture practices. Pets provide companionship and amusement. Read on to learn about 10 exotic animals that you can care for in Arizona. how to get an exotic pet license in arizona. Tennessee places animals into five different classes. Are monks legal in Arizona and can you buy them? They include: hedgehogs, wallabies and kangaroos, Savannah Cats (hybrids of domestic cats and serval), capybaras, sugar gliders, American bison, wolfdogs (hybrids), reticulated pythons, and African crested porcupines.Jun 25, 2021 Can you own a fox in AZ? It is illegal to own almost any type of exotic animal in Pennsylvania. Get expert advice to help your pet live its best life, Serval Cat: Breed Profile, Characteristics & Care, Axolotl (Mexican Walking Fish): Species Profile. The new, easy-to-use online licensing service provides a quick and seamless process to license your pet in Pima County. Legislation that went into effect in October 2020 also makes it illegal to own or breed any bird, mammal, reptile, or amphibian listed under the federal Lacey Act. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. An exotic animal is ecologically foreign to Delaware." Some or all exotic animals may be prohibited as pets under state and municipal legislation. Category 2 are animals that may pose health threats to people or other animals, and their owners need a permit. Permits can be acquired for scientific, educational, propagative, and public safety purposes but these can be difficult to obtain. Domestic animals do not require a permit in Virginia but non-native, exotic animals do. North Carolina law allows individual counties and cities to create ordinances regarding exotic pets. Class II animals are permitted only with a license and include howler monkeys, macaques, bobcats, cougars, wolves and more. Illnesses: Keep in mind that exotic pets behave differently than domesticated ones. While certain vulnerable species may be traded, severely endangered animals cannot be sold or acquired under any circumstances. Class II includes more primates, bobcats, servals, caimans, and other wild animals while Class III includes all other wildlife that aren't in Class I, II, or specifically mentioned to be exempt from permitting. Modify your browser's settings to allow Javascript to execute. Read on to learn about 10 exotic animals that you can care for in Arizona. Exotic animals need specific care, thus these rules are intended to safeguard them. Wild carnivores, such as lions, tigers, bears, and wolves alongside primates and native wildlife are prohibited from being kept as pets in Rhode Island. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 18, 2019: Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 27, 2019: That doesn't make sense at all considering many 'domesticated' animals have proliferated in the environment such as goldfish, cats, and horses. You are also prohibited from keeping ferrets, gerbils, owls, primates, hedgehogs, sloths, anteaters, and many other animals. Arizona law lists various rodents that are prohibited, including the squirrel family, beavers, New World porcupines, and nutrias. If you've got an interest in getting your own African crested porcupine, understand the basics before you make any decisions, and be certain to do extensive research and speak with specialists. Application form: Form 2717-A Annual Report form: Form 2717-B Fee: $20. Residents may own up to six bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, red foxes, opossums, rabbits, raccoons, or squirrels that they have taken from the wild. You'll also find information related to Arizona wildlife laws and their reasoning. Thankfully, they are not included in the ban list. This list of controlled species includes a variety of frogs, toads and salamanders, venomous reptiles, crocodiles, alligators, a variety of turtles and snakes, some birds, armadillos, bears, cavies, coyotes, cougars, foxes, kangaroos, lions, kinkajou, leopards, primates, and many more. More than 50 wild animals were set loose from a preserverequiring authorities to euthanize lions, tigers, bears, and wolves roaming the streets. The state issues special permits for turtle and falconries. Therefore, each state has its own laws in place. Checklist: Process: Complete application form, submit payment, and secure approval through Regional Offices of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. However, permits are not required for several exotic animals including flying squirrels, cockatiels, iguanas, hamsters, and some other pets. Other large pythons that are legal include African rock pythons, Burmese pythons, and anacondas. Keep a close eye on your pets behavior to make sure you dont overlook any indications of disease. And in contrast, Arizona's neighboring state, Nevada, has very lenient laws. If you live in an apartment or an area governed by a homeowners association, then you may have even more regulations. This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate thats been signed by the U.S. government. But which one is the best lizard for kids? You can keep up to 96 frogs that you have caught. Alaska residents cannot possess, sell, import, or export live game animals (any species of animal that is not a domestic bird or mammal. Numerous birds, beavers, hippos, elephants, giraffes, kanagroos, kinkajous, primates, hybrids, several types of turtles and snakes, and other animals are prohibited from being kept as pets. A law will go into effect on July 1, 2021, requiring many more people to have a state license before they can own or care for wildlife in Arizona. Large carnivores, such as lions, tigers, and bears are illegal to own unless you received a permit for them by 2005. 2. What are the Top 10 Illegal Pets to Own In the United States? 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. This would leave Old World porcupines, such as the large African crested porcupine and the Palawan or Philippine porcupine legal. Additionally, you may find local and county or parish laws are more restrictive. Many exotic animals, such as primates, big cats, and venomous reptiles, are illegal to own as pets in most states within the United States. With their shiny coats and striking eyes, these cats can't help but give off an air of sophistication. Theyre the most closely related reptile to a dinosaur, and they dont instill the same terror in humans as snakes do. This is a natural reflex that protects them from predators looking for vulnerable prey. That said, if you hate extreme heat or want a much wider choice of exotic pets to keep, Arizona might not be the state for you. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Primates, wolves, wild canine hybrids, large cats, elephants, rhinos, and hippos all require a permit prior to taking possession of the animal. These and a few other animals must be registered with the county law enforcement agency where the animal will live otherwise they are not allowed to be kept as pets. In order to own a wild animal in Wisconsin, it must have been legally obtained and you need to have a special license from the state. The one you need depends on what you intend to do with the animal. 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